
West Montgomery Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Attention BASH Seniors and Their Families

Patrick fore 5yu0uzh43bk unsplash

Silhouette of a female holding a analog megaphone. | Patrick Fore ︳Unsplash

Silhouette of a female holding a analog megaphone. | Patrick Fore ︳Unsplash

Attention BASH Seniors and Their Families:

Local scholarships are now available!  All applications may be found on the counseling page under the scholarship tab.  Here is the direct link-


To access the link, you will need to use your Boyertown student account. 

Please be sure to read over the requirements for the applications. 

BASH local scholarship applications are only available for the month of March.  

All completed applications are due to the counseling office no later than April 1st at 4:00pm.  Late applications will not be accepted for any reason.  

We also have other scholarships available to apply for. Here is the link for all scholarships ANY student can apply for. Here is the link- https://docs.google.com/.../1BFq9.../edit... 

Please stop by the counseling office with any questions.

Original source can be found here.